GZ Curve M V Seamanship

GZ Curve M V Seamanship

The following data can be extracted from a GZ curve; The metacentric height (GM) is found by drawing a perpendicular line at 57.2° (1 radian) where this line intersects the GZ Curve a right angle is drawn and where this intersects the GZ axis of the graph the GM can...
Shift of Buoyancy

Shift of Buoyancy

Shift of Buoyancy When a vessel is inclined the waterline changes as shown below from W1 to W2 and hence the underwater volume of the vessel. Consequently, the buoyancy in the blue wedge shape moves b to b1 and B moves from B to B1.  
The Metacentre

The Metacentre

The Metacentre (M) “M” is a point, generally on the centreline, at which the initial upward forces acting through B cut the upward forces acting through B¹ after the vessel has been inclined by an external force. For a vessel to be stable G must be below M. This...